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Lewis Family Established 10/13/2018

Family is one of the central things of my life. I was lucky enough to be married on October 13th, 2018 to Mikayla Mae Mikels, who is the world's best wife. She's funny, but also tough. She's a perfect counterpart to me. I love spending time with her. I also get to spend a lot of time with her family, and I'd love to spend more time with my family. Family is the main thing. Of course we all need a job, but one of the main reasons we need a job is for our family.


The tool that shapes character.

I am a huge believer in self-discipline. I would tie part of that belief back to physical fitness and activity. Since I was a kid, I've been playing sports like soccer, and later football in high school. I've dabbled in jiu-jitsu and I love the self-discipline required to workout effectively at the gym. I think, in another life, I might have been a personal trainer or something like that. Right now, my goal is to run the Spartan Trifecta in the summer of 2020. Since I am naturally averse to running, I am doing a lot of running right now. It's rough, but that's what I like about it.

Notepad on Desk
Organized Desk


The Spirit and Body are the Soul of Man

I enjoy spirituality. I believe that deep down, we all come from greater things. As far as my religion goes, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In my spirituality though, I believe that there is a God, we are His children, and as part of a perfect plan He created, we can become perfect just like him. I believe that in that plan, there was a requirement for a Savior. That Savior was Jesus Christ. Because of this belief, I voluntarily served a 2-year proselyting mission in the country of Italy, preaching this message to anyone who would listen. In my day to day life, I believe that I can be guided by God to do the right thing, and I try always to honor that guidance as best I can.


We must go up the mountain.

I'm not particularly gifted in anything really. I do believe though that everyone can maximize what they have, and that's what I try to do. I believe in goals and planning to achieve those goals. Because of that belief, I do something called Man Council. Now, don't let the name turn you off. Man Council is simply a monthly meeting I hold with friends I've had since we were in junior high. At this meeting, we discuss our goals, challenges and we try and help each other improve our lives in tangible ways.  This gives us a structured way to force growth and challenge on ourselves.

Two Pens on Notebook


Developing an Indomitable character

I believe in perseverance in the face of discouraging odds. One of my favorite quotes is "I viam inveniam aut facciam" which is latin for I will find a way or I will make one. I've taken this approach to digital marketing. I've had instances after a job interview where I get rejected. Instead of giving up, I've sought out projects I can do to boost my experience, or certifications to improve my expertise. There will be obstacles, but I will overcome them.

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